Pancakes and Syrup Review: SKC

My customer Kimberley, has posted a review of Pancakes & Syrup on her blog! Thanks babe (and if you'd like me to remove this, do send me an email).
Click here for the review!

"After reading Whey Jinn's blog post about the US product by My Lip Stuff, I knew had to get one of my own! Thanks babe! I've been eye-ing them for awhile so I was really excited to receive them today. =D

These awesome lip balms re-define the phrase - "fun things come in small packages". FUN SIZE!

But enough about that, here they are!

the 100% natural balms arrived in bubble wrap btw

I was so glad that the lovely blogshop owner, Cynthia, brought these sticks over to Malaysia and she only charged RM3 for postage of 6 tubes! How wonderful right? =D

At first I only wanted 1 stick - Pancakes & Syrup (hehe) but then I figured that I might as well ask around since im already paying RM3 anyway. Plus some of my friends coincidentally needed new lip balms. =)

Ok so, the balms are really lip-saving if you have chapped lips or dry cracked ones because the moisture that My Lip Stuff provides is just beyond! I mean, im not sure if im gonna continue using my NIVEA Cherry Chapstick anymore... haha! OKOK i will but only because that one has colour. =P And i've never gotten cracked lips before, i dunno why, but yeah. So i use these stuff for fun. hehe.

The scent that I chose was rather odd (and yummy at the same time!) but the good thing is that it does not make me crave for real pancakes. And no they're tasteless so licking your lips won't make a difference. haha.
Well Pancakes & Syrup is pretty much like having maple syrup on your lips. Kinda cool given that the natural butters and oil makes my lips a little glossy. =x

I must warn though, the oily feeling upon first application is kinda thick and greasy but before you know it the feeling actually disappears but the moisture stays. Yay! The smell on the other hand will last long enough. Not over indulgent I must say but I think Pancakes & Syrup is particularly stronger scented as it was the only one I could smell without opening the cap. (in comparison to those in the picture)

Well i'm not sure if I should keep the Blackberry Buttercream one or if my bro's gf wants it so I can't open it yet. Might give a short review in the future if I do keep it.

So hey, if you want a tube (or more) of your own then just drop by this blogshop.

The owner recently posted up a Top 10 Best Sellers list on the side too. =)

1. Cat Pee
2. Blackberry Buttercream
3. Cookies & Cream
4. Mango Sorbet
5. Strawberry Shortcake
6. Margarita
7. Rootbeer Float
8. Pancakes & Syrup
9. Peach Belini
10. Apple Pie A La Mode"

Review Credits: SKC


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