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*shortened to only flavour review*
"But I digress. This particular flavour that I'm reviewing is called Peace of Mind. I've used it three times today already (bearing in mind I'm writing this on a Friday night while you're probably reading this on Monday morning), and I feel distinctly refreshed. :D
It smells minty, springy, herbal - on the strong side of mild scents, but deeply pleasant. It's a fusion of eucalyptus and peppermint - among other mints - and I love how it just poofs! your stress away :) One coating on your lips will give off a natural sheen, two coatings will be absolutely radiant :D I love how it doesn't feel oily or sticky. And after you apply it, you start to feel a cool breeze on your lips. Mmmm!
These lips balms are magical, I tell you! Best of all, it's made of 100% natural ingredients - no strange chemicals that are doing goodness-knows-what to your lips!"
Review Credits: Your Shopping Kaki
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